Gives you fast access to the Configuration-Interface of your FRITZ!BoxThis App gives you fast access to the Configuration-Interface of your FRITZ!Box.
Gives you fast access to the Configuration-Interface of your FRITZ!Box
This App gives you fast access to the Configuration-Interface of your FRITZ!Box.
What the app does: It opens the IP of the Router in a WebView and is much faster and more comfortable than the browser is.
Furthermore you don't need to remember the IP ;-)
You have to be connected to the WIFI Network to get this app working
Features in the Premium Version:
✔ No Ads
✔ Using of manual IP's
✔ Automatically fill the password field (in the Desktop-View)
✔ Secundary IP for eg. 2nd fritzbox or a Repeater
✔ Rendering: Mobil vs. Desktop
✔ Emegency-IP
Die Darstellung kann bei dir von den Screenshots abweichen!
Je nach FRITZ!Box und Firmware-Version kann sich die Oberfläche unterscheiden.
The view may differ compared to the screenshots!
Depending on the FRITZ!Box and the version of its firmware the interface may look different.
This Version is Ad-supported.
I don't belong to AVM in any way.
If you like my App - rate it! :-)
There is a way to get it running without WLan for example with 3G.
For more details take a look here: (Tutorial in German)